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The United Nations of Europe

Charter of the United NAtions of Europe

No religions interfering with the laws of the united nations of europe


All citizens have a passport of the Union (one identity)


Social security, healthcare, tax, and income are based on the same rules! No undermining concurrence between member states!


Free movement between all member states for all citizens!


Free working and study possibilities in all member states for all citizens.


Laws of the union has to be the same for every citizen in all the member states


One army for all the member states


Europol controle of police activities when crimes are taking place in more than one member state


Europol organising information necessary to protect all the member states against organised crimes and terrorisme!


A court of justice for crimes between members of the Union!


No uncontrolled influence from lobbyist on members of parliament or government!


Countries that are not willing to form those United States of Europe  can go out of te Union! EXIT!


Legal duty to vote starting at 18 years!